Welcome, Marhaba,
Willkommen to Tidy Bayti

Tidy Bayti was launched in 2019 by Wiebke Buelow, the first certifed KonMari® Consultant based in Bahrain…

KonMari® Method

This method was invented by Japanese
tidying expert and best-selling author
Marie Kondo. Marie took tidying to a
whole new level, teaching that if you
properly simplify and organize your home
once, you’ll never have to do it again…


The Tidy Bayti KonMari® home consultancy service is a personal, one-on-one tidying journey based on an agreed schedule…


Why is the KonMari Method® different compared to other tidying methods?


Tidy Bayti is taking the organization of your home to a different level thanks to a thorough application of the KonMari Method® in a very approachable way.