Tidy Bayti KonMari®
Home Consultancy Service
You have the urge to declutter your life and home
but can’t do it alone?
The Tidy Bayti KonMari® home consultancy service
is a personal, one-on-one tidying journey based on
an agreed schedule. I will guide you and work
closely with you through the whole tidying journey
side by side, category by category, item by item
until we have tackled all your personal belongings
in all five categories.
As it is a one-on-one tidying exercise, personal belongings
of other family/household members are not part of this offer.
A family tiding journey can be arranged but requires
more commitment, time, effort and budget.
Communal household items can be part of your
belongings and will then become part of your
decision process, however, they may require
consensus of other family/household members.
As we start, we will set your personal objectives and outline the details
of your tidying journey and only then we begin your tidying exercise,
followed in the order of the KonMari Method®.
This category includes every garment
including seasonal items and for special
occasions as well as subcategories like
shoes, handbags, jewelry and
This category includes all types of books
like cookbooks, visual books (art, coffee
table), and magazines as well as
subcategories like CD’s and DVD’s.
This category is about your physical documents (legal documents, bank/credit card statements, bills, receipts, certificates, warranties, manuals, etc.) and it includes also all kind of loose papers like notes, non-sentimental greeting cards, invitations, etc
This category is the broadest of all.
Komono is Japanese and translates best with
miscellaneous. This category will be separated
into subcategories for Kitchen Komono,
Bathroom Komono, Office Komono, etc.
This category usually contains shared items of
other family/household members and therefore
requires certain teamwork and acceptance in
the process. Belongings of children are not part
of this category unless otherwise agreed.
My Mission for you as your KonMari®Consultant
Be Inspired
to visualize your ideal lifestyle and to achieve your objectives, gain awareness of
yourself and feel motivated to navigate towards your dream home.
Be clear
about your perspective, enabling you to see and value the things in your home
and re-evaluate your lifestyle, in an informed and inspired way.
Be joyful
and have a fun time re-discovering your belongings that are most important to you,
unlocking their stories, and connecting with how they make you feel.
Be empowered
to make positive choices about what to keep, and what to let go and unlock
potentials that will influence your future lifestyle.
Be Free
and feel relieved of potential stresses and anxieties that were hidden in your home
and bringing you order and serenity into your daily life.